Monday, December 29, 2014

''Successful people are always looking for opportunities to help others.'' Brian Tracy #opportunities #quotes

The 30 Best Airlines in the World.

COCOON. #design #innovation #creativity

Mobile Design Container (Design Silesia) by Marta Gawin on Behance

#Art, #creative, #design, #DigitalArt, #GraphicDesign, #Illustration.

Climbit branding.

40 ways to stay creative. #creativity #innovation

The Importance of Color Choice in Marketing #Infographic #branding #marketing

5+ Reasons Your Business Should be on Google+. 1,116 Billion Total Number of Accounts, 540 million Monthly Users.

The Modern Marketer: Part Artist, Part Scientist. #marketing #storytelling #digitalmarketing

2015 Marketing Tips by the Experts: @neilpatel @TheGrok @peeplaja @chexton @OptimiseOrDie @bmassey @copyhackers

Social Influencers: Digital Marketers’ Most Misused Resource. #digitalmarketing #socialmedia

Sunday, December 28, 2014

''Lead from the back and let others believe they are in front.'' Nelson Mandela #leadership #quotes #inspiration

With V for Vote, by Javiay Jaén.

Perspectives of a person's live - profile idea.

Brush Pen for Calligraphy. #creativity #innovation #design

Laughing Man Coffee. #branding #marketing #identity

TWB sigange2 by Kerr Vernon #signage #corporate

Top 25 companies for culture & values 2014. @EdelmanPR @google @riverbed @Chevron @Intuit @genentech @Nike @Adobe

These 10 corporations control almost everything you buy. @kraftfoods @CocaCola @Nestle @Unilever @ProcterGamble

10 Tips For Successful Public Speaking. #TEDx #SocialMediaWeek #Keynote

The Internet is a Zoo. The Ideal length of everything online. #socialmedia #digitalmarketing #onlinemarketing

10 ways to make your content go Viral.

Friday, December 26, 2014

''You were born to win, but to be a winner, you must plan to win, prepare to win, and expect to win.'' Zig Ziglar #quotes #success

An iconic sight at airport gates around the world over the past 4 decades, here a @KLM #Boeing 747-400. #aviation

Pixel in Beijing Modelroom / SAKO Architects

Graphic design inspiration, @rollsroycecars.

Door writing desk. Found objects converted into furniture. #design #innovation

Mercedes-Benz Concept S-Class Coupe - Interior

User Experience Design: Notes From An Inspired Designer.

Top 5 web trends of 2015. #webdesign #mobilemarketing #innovation

#Twitter: the most generous sharers. #socialmedia #nonprofits #fundraising

How memory works. #psychology

5 tips for making a successful social media marketing video. #videomarketing

10 powerful body language tips for your next presentation. #slideshare #powerpoint #presentation

Why should reputation management be your top priority? #personalbranding #socialmedia

Monday, December 22, 2014

''Be less curious about people and more curious about ideas.'' Marie Curie #quotes #inspiration

Classic & elegant @Burberry's vintage ad: ''Whatever The Barometer Says. The world's Best Weatherproof.''

Vintage @IBM Engineering Computer 1620 ''The most powerful engineering computer in its low price class.''

1948 @rollsroyce Ad ''Supreme in the Air, Supreme on the Road.''

An Enchanting Vintage ad of @Pepsi ''The sociables prefer Pepsi. Be Sociable, Have a Pepsi.'' #GetRefreshed

Why Is Facebook Blue? The Science Behind Colors In Marketing. #innovation #marketing #branding

21 new rules of content marketing. #socialmedia #contentmarketing

21 new rules of content marketing. #socialmedia #contentmarketing